Hello it's me once again! I know in my last blog, I had a few things I wanted to share with yall. It's the last time I'm making custom resin charms and trinket trays. Next week's update will be badge reels and resin kosmogrips. And that will also be my last last resin update. So what does that mean? Plainly I'll be retiring from making resin art. I wanted to keep it a secret until next weeks update because I don't want anyone to pity me and feel bad for me. DON'T! But I also thought it wouldn't be fair for those who wanted to get one last piece of my resin work. So I wanted to let you guys know first. Nunnies have been nothing but supportive. And I want to be as transparent as can be! :)
What does that mean to The Nice Noona shop? It just means i'll have more time to get back into designing and creating enamel pins and other items that i've been wanting to make. This also means that Nunnie Mail will be updated and changed. Not sure yet what I can customize next but i've been thinking about other things I can learn and hopefully share with yall soon. So for now Nunnie Mail is on a hault.
Ugh I know it's kind of lame to try and explain myself because resin has been a part of my shop since July of 2019. It was something I was curious about and dwelled into it blindly and fell completely in love with it. And you guys shared that love with me since. For that I'm forever grateful. Just the beginning of the year I finally felt like I've mastered my style of resin. Adding more glitter, more beads and don't forget the gucci ass bows yall keep seeing me tie. I invested in top tier resin so that it lasts longer and ordered so many things in stock so I can keep making resin charms. My shop almost felt as if I only made resin charms. Lol and I was completely okay with that because yall loved it as much as I did.
But the real truth is that resin has also been affecting me physically and mentally. Towards the end of last year I kept getting sick on and off. I'd get bad chest pains and felt like something was stuck in my lungssssss. I noticed it started happening everytime I would resin for a long time. And there I knew that resin was physically kicking my ass even though I took the proper precautions. I wore my ventilator mask, aprons, nitrile gloves, goggles, kept my windows open, threw them in the garage to cure. I did everything right. But it still affected my body. There were times where I couldn't resin and had to lay down for a few days. As soon as I got better I would get up and start going crazy with resin again. Only to feel sick again afterwards. Resin is SUPER DUPER TOXIC! This is why I always educate others when I see them not doing it properly. Not because I think I know better. But because I dont want anyone feeling like me. I've contemplated quitting since I started feeling sick last year. That's why I started learning how to work with clay. But the damn clay just made it more fun to make more resin pieces. Lol. So I continued and kept coming up with new resin ideas. Just this year alone I've probably made more than 2000pcs altogether. Last year I only made 1185 charms. Everytime I said it's time to quit I see you guys excited about my next drop and it makes me feel like I will disappoint yall. So I just keep pushing through it and hope that I don't get a reaction again. But a few months back I had a bad respiratory reaction and could not work for days. I didn't really tell anyone because I was too scared. I was very close to going to the ER but it calmed down, I rested for a few more days till I felt completely better. Now I knew it was really time! Also this is very personal to me but my husband and I have been trying to conceive for the past 3 years and no luck yet. Infertility is a big ole b****!. But also that means I need to keep my body safe! And quitting for our future is the right thing to do. (I don't recommend resin if you are pregnant or trying.)
Therefore I decided to make one last trinket tray update and I promised yall badge reels so I thought it would be a good goodbye to resin art. I know a lot of people followed me because of my resin work. If you leave after this I just wanted to say thank you so much for being part of my resin journey and thank you for supporting my work! I am forever grateful that you have a piece of my art. That is already the biggest present I could ever ask for. And for those who are staying and have been with me since Day 1 you already know that resin was a part of me but not all of me. Thank you for believing in me! I love you for that!
And lol why am I making this so dramatic! It's not dramatic but I feel like it was part of my shop for so long that I'm also sad and disappointed to see it go. But I promise this IS NOT the end of The Nice Noona but but a new chapter of growth and self discovery. I haven't post it on my IG yet but I will after next week's update. I'm sad to even be making this long ass post but again I just wanted to share this because it's important that you guys know what direction this shop and our little community is going.
There will be no Nunnie Mail for the time being until I can figure out what's "next." We will figure it out together! You guys are always the best at giving me advice. If you've read up to this much, THANK YOU AND I JUST GAVE YOU A HUG! It took alot for me to come to this conclusion but I know it is for the best! Right now I am focusing on my health and improving The Nice Noona. I hope you continue to stick around with me. Love yall so much and happy to be alive and happy!
Shillbe (The Nice Noona)
So sad to hear that I won’t get to see any more of your beautiful resin art, but your health comes first! Get lots of rest – you deserve it!! Thank you for sharing your gorgeous designs with us and I look forward to what you have planned in the future 💜
Hi Shillbe!!! Thank you so much for sharing and keeping us updated! Although we’ll miss your resin art, you should do what is right for you and you shouldn’t feel guilty about it! Do what is good for you and your family and your future! Take care of your physical and mental health! We’ll stand by you! I’m glad I got to purchase the resin art pieces I have so far and they will always be super precious to me 💜
Your health is always first and foremost the most important thing! I’m thankful for the shop updates and the opportunity to purchase and own some of you beautiful resin pieces, but like you said you are more than just one creative art form and I look forward to seeing all the new items you will be creating!
Wishing you and the hubby all the best and thank you for always being so honest and genuine with us.
Looking forward to all the new things!
Shillbe!!! I’m so sorry you were going through all that! Definitely do what you need to do for yourself and your family! 💜💜 so glad I got so many of your pieces while I could and excited to see the new things you make!
We’ll be here no matter what!!!! Glad you decided to make the decision for your health and although I’ll miss your amazingggggg resin pieces, I’m glad I was able to buy all the ones I have and it’ll be extra precious <333333 stay healthy & happy