Nunnie Blog
Life & Shop Update :)
Hello it's me once again! I know in my last blog, I had a few things I wanted to share with yall. It's the last time I'm making custom resin...
August/September Nunnie Secret Shop Sale
Hello Nunnies! Wow i've been working to darn hard that I haven't made a blog post in so long. Welcoming all new Nunnies here to the secret blog. I hope...
Charm Shop Opening
Hello my lovely Nunnies! It's late where I'm at but I wanted to make sure you guys got the secret code for tomorrow's shop opening. LOTS OF CUTE CHARMS!!!!...
Charm Sale in August
Hello Nunnie, Did you remember to flip the calendar? Lol it's the last day of July!!! AHHH. I'm just screaming because I can't believe July flew by. Well thank you...
July Monthly Giveaway Winners & Commissions Open!!!
Hello Nunnies where the heck is all the time going? Lol it just dawn on me that today is July 31st. WOW time is just flying by way to fast....
Help me pick a date!
HELLO HELLO HELLO AND WELCOME WELCOME ALL NEW NUNNIE MEMBERS AND ALL NUNNIES!!! Long time no talk!! ahh sorry for taking so long on this blog!!! If you've seen my...
May & June's Nunnie Giveaway
Hello my lovely Nunnies!!! Time to announce monthly giveaway winners! There is a total of 4 winners. May winners will receive bundle A, which includes Serendipity Charm, Serendipity Kosmogrip and Chimmy Keychain....
Secret Shop Opening Wednesday June 30th @12pm CST
Hello Nunnies, Long time no talk on the blog here. I've been so busy trying to get this secret shop open and ready! This is for Nunnies who pledged to...
June's Shop Opening !!!!!!
Goodafternoon Nunnies! Just wanted to welcome new nunnies here to the Nunnie Blog. You get to hear it first before I post it later. I'm so excited to finally announce...
May's Sticker Mail
Hello Nunnies! How are you all doing? It's been quite a roller coaster for me. Thank you for being here for me and thank you for waiting. I'm slowly getting...
New Backing Cards
Hello it's Happy Hump Day! And my new backing cards arrived! It's super duper simple and versatile.
Young Forever Enamel Pins Have Arrived
Hello Nunnies! You ask and I shall deliver. I went ahead and restocked these back in December already.